Ground Flax Seed Meal (Full Oil Content Protein Powder)

$19.99$37.98 available on subscription

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Ground Flax Seed Meal (Full Oil Content Protein Powder)

5.00 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings
(4 customer reviews )

$19.99$37.98 available on subscription

Sold in 2LB and 4LB Re-Sealable bags.

A NATURAL LAXATIVE! Forget all the drugstore aids, nature has given us Flax. Naturally gluten-free, and non-GMO, just add some Flaxseed Protein Powder to your favorite smoothie. Do this on a daily basis (you’ll find the exact right amount the more you use it but start with a little at first) and you will be astonished at how effective it is.

Please Note:
Promotions & Free Ground Shipping only apply to standard package sizes.

2 LB Bag
$19.99 available on subscription

28 in stock

4 LB Bag
$37.98 available on subscription

19 in stock

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* All regular orders (express excluded) will ship via UPS Ground, USPS Priority and/or USPS Ground Advantage. Orders requiring rapid shipping please use UPS Next or 2nd Day delivery. Tracking data will be emailed once processed.

* Exception apply for large wholesale, bulk and case pack orders

FLAX SEED MEAL INGREDIENTS: ground raw brown Flax seeds



Although we are a dedicated 14 Free product line & facility, if you have an allergy(ies) to any Gerbs ingredients, please email us first before ordering, so that we can answer any questions and talk about your options:

All of our raw ingredients are processed, packaged, handled, stored, and shipped by trained staff in our family owned & operated facility in Johnston, Rhode Island on dedicated non-GMO, Vegan, and Kosher Equipment. No co-packers. No co-manufacturers. For anyone with a mild to severe food allergy or a family with one, we wish to assure you that this is why Gerbs handles all aspects of production & operation, and we are among a handful of companies in the world who can state this. LEARN MORE


Flax Seed Meal Protein Powder Nutritional Benefits

Flaxseeds have been consumed for at least 6,000 years, making them one of the world’s first cultivated superfoods. What does flaxseed do for you that makes it one of the most popular “superfoods”? Flaxseeds contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, high protein, and are Natures answer to constipation.


  • Add a tablespoon of ground flaxseed to your hot or cold breakfast cereal.
  • Add a teaspoon of ground flaxseed to mayonnaise or mustard when making a sandwich.
  • Mix a tablespoon of ground flaxseed into an 8-ounce container of yogurt.
  • Bake ground flaxseed into cookies, muffins, breads and other baked goods.

Relieves Constipation
The tiny, golden-brown seeds of the flax plant are very effective at getting things moving again. High in fiber – in particular rich in insoluble fibre – which provides bulk and stretches the intestinal walls, triggering contractions and bowel movements. They also contain a soluble fibre called mucilage, which binds with water to create a gel that keeps movements soft. Flaxseed powder is without a doubt a great natural tool for regularity.

High Fiber Low Carb
One of the most extraordinary benefits of flaxseed is that flax contains high levels of mucilage gum content, a gel-forming fiber that is water-soluble and therefore moves through the gastrointestinal tract undigested. Once eaten, mucilage from flaxseeds can keep food in the stomach from emptying too quickly into the small intestine, which can increase nutrient absorption and make you feel fuller. Because the fiber found in flaxseed is not able to be broken down in the digestive tract, some of the calories that flax contains won’t even be absorbed.

High in Omega-3’s
Flaxseeds & Chia seeds have become known for their anti-inflammatory effects. Fish oil contains EPA and DHA, two omega-3 fats obtained only from animal foods that are critical for optimal health. Although flaxseeds do not contain EPA or DHA, they do contain the type of omega-3 called ALA, which acts somewhat differently in the body compared to EPA/DHA. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is an n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that has been found in studies to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, improve platelet function, reduce inflammation, promote healthy endothelial cell function, protect arterial function and reduce heart arrhythmias.

A Natural Laxative
Various synthetic laxative products promise to put an end to constipation, but flaxseed powder (and whole flaxseeds), is a millennia-old botanical remedy that really works.

Flaxseeds contain no gluten.



We strongly recommend storing in an airtight (dark colored/opaque) container in a cool, dark environment like a pantry or kitchen cabinet, away from direct exposure to sunlight or excessive heat like an oven. The amount of times you open the container and let in the harmful effects of oxygen will only increase the likelihood of rancidity; thus we encourage you to not empty more than 1 pound of product at a time. YOU CAN FREEZE IT TOO!

Additional information

Weight2.00 lbs
Dimensions1 × 1 × 1 in
Unit Weight


Customers' review

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4 reviews for Ground Flax Seed Meal (Full Oil Content Protein Powder)

    5 out of 5

    (verified owner)

    Great Great product

    5 out of 5

    (verified owner)

    Love the texture! This powder is much finer than ground flax seed I have purchased at the grocery store. It’s so much better in smoothies because it’s so fine and not gritty. Thanks for offering products like this that provide such peace of mind!

    5 out of 5

    (verified owner)

    Flax Seed Meal Good quality, good price and quick delivery

    5 out of 5
