Premium Canadian Grade Wild Whole Grain Black Rice, 50 Pound Case Box

$919.60 available on subscription

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Premium Canadian Grade Wild Whole Grain Black Rice, 50 Pound Case Box

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$919.60 available on subscription

DISTINCTIVE FLAVOR & TEXTURE. A staple food of American indiginous tribes, Canadian Premium Wild Rice comes from Canada’s pristine northern lakes and is harvested by hand in poled canoes. Non-GMO, naturally Gluten-Free, our Wild Rice is rich in carbohydrates, high in protein, the amino acid lysine and dietary fiber, but low in fat. Has a distinctive mild crunch, and an earthy flavor. Superb compliment to many foods. Simple Cooking Instructions below.

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* All regular orders (express excluded) will ship via UPS Ground, USPS Priority and/or USPS Ground Advantage. Orders requiring rapid shipping please use UPS Next or 2nd Day delivery. Tracking data will be emailed once processed.

* Exception apply for large wholesale, bulk and case pack orders

INGREDIENTS CANADIAN BLACK WILD RICE: Premium Grade A Canadian Black Wild Rice


COOKING INSTRUCTIONS – Always rinse rice and grains first!
Add 3 cups of water to a large pot. Add some salt to taste. Bring water to a boil. Add 1 cup of rice. Simmer, covered for about 45 minutes or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed. Let sit for 10-15 minutes before serving.



Our goal is to give the Allergy Community relief in the battle of living with food allergies. All of our raw ingredients are processed, packaged, handled, stored, and shipped by trained staff in our family owned & operated facility in Johnston, Rhode Island on dedicated non-GMO, Vegan, and Kosher Equipment. No co-packers. No co-manufacturers. For anyone with a mild to severe food allergy or a family with one, we wish to assure you that this is why Gerbs handles all aspects of production & operation, and we are among a handful of companies in the world who can state this.


Benefits of Canadian Black Wild Rice

Wild rice has been growing in popularity in recent years. It’s a powerhouse of numerous health benefits including they reduce birth defects; improve bone health and so much more. So let’s dig in to see why you should include wild rice in your diet.

Our naturally Gluten-Free, non-GMO Canadian Black Wild Rice is high in protein, the amino acid lysine, and dietary fiber, and low in fat. Nutritional analysis shows wild rice to be second only to oats in protein content per 100 calories. It is also a good source of minerals and B vitamins.  

1. Rich in B Vitamins
Among the B vitamins, niacin, pantothenic acid, and folate are the most significant in wild rice as their amounts in the said serving fulfill 11% of your body’s daily need for these nutrients. All B vitamins play various important roles in metabolizing food and helping the body use the nutrients. Pantothenic acid, for example, is needed in the oxidation of fatty acids and carbohydrates while folate is necessary for normal cell division.

2. High in Manganese
For minerals, the amount of manganese in one cup of wild rice satisfies 23% of your daily requirement. Only trace quantities of this mineral may be needed but it is still important. For one thing, manganese is part of an antioxidant compound your body creates called superoxide dismutase.

3. Reduce Birth Defects

Wild rice is a great source of Folate which is needed during rapid cell division and growth, which is why it’s important during pregnancy. Folate deficiency is considered the main culprit for many serious conditions, such as anemia, incidence, and recurrence of birth defects. So by adding wild rice to your daily recommended diet can potentially help lower the risk for birth defects.

4. May Help Boosts Energy Levels

Wild rice is a good source of important mineral magnesium which is best known for boosting your energy levels during heavy physical activity.

5. Gluten-Free

Wild rice is naturally gluten-free. So it’s super safe for those suffering from celiac disease.

6. Helps Promote Bone Health

Wild rice is packed with phosphorous content which is best known for eliminating the bones weakness and thus making it a great option for improving bone health.




We strongly recommend storing in an airtight (dark colored/opaque) container in a cool, dark environment like a pantry or kitchen cabinet, away from direct exposure to sunlight or excessive heat like an oven. The amount of times you open the container and let in the harmful effects of oxygen will only increase the likelihood of rancidity; thus we encourage you to not empty more than 1 pound of product at a time. YOU CAN FREEZE RICE TOO!