Toasted Onion & Garlic Roasted Sunflower Seed Kernels, Resealable Bag

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Toasted Onion & Garlic Roasted Sunflower Seed Kernels, Resealable Bag

2LB Re-Sealable Bag – Country of Origin USA

TOASTED ONION & GARLIC. A crunchy, flavorful, mildly spicy snack. Naturally gluten-free, GMO-free, and contains all essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source. These seasoned, dry roasted allergy friendly sunflower seeds have strong, distinctive flavors including chili powder, and black pepper making them an excellent party snack.

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* All regular orders (express excluded) will ship via UPS Ground, USPS Priority and/or USPS Ground Advantage. Orders requiring rapid shipping please use UPS Next or 2nd Day delivery. Tracking data will be emailed once processed.

* Exception apply for large wholesale, bulk and case pack orders


Ingredients: Toasted Onion & Garlic Dry Roasted Sunflower Seed Kernels, fresh powdered sea salt, onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, chili powder.

Raw Sunflower Seed Kernels (out of shell) 14oz Bag

Gerbs Top 14 Allergen Friendly FoodsGerbs Toasted Onion & Garlic Dry Roasted Sunflower Seed Kernels Allergen Statement

We are a dedicated top 14 food allergen Free product line & facility; however if you or a loved one has an allergy(ies) to any Gerbs product, please email or call us (401-231-5181) first before ordering, so that we can answer any questions and talk about your options:

Our facility and entire product line is free from: gluten, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, beans, lentils, beans, dairy/milk, eggs, sesame, shellfish, crustacean, fish, and mustard. As well, Gerbs are Non-GMO, vegan, kosher, sulfur dioxide free, herbicide and pesticide free. Please understand most of our product are produced and packaged on shared but dedicated equipment, right here in our factory headquarters in Johnston, Rhode Island. If you have an allergy to one of our products or ingredients, do not order, please give us a call (401) 231 5181 or send us an email:


Nutritional Benefits – Toasted Onion & Garlic Dry Roasted Sunflower Seed Kernels

Vitamin E
Sunflower seeds contribute to your daily intake of vitamin E, a family of fat-soluble nutrients. Vitamin E helps protect your cells against free radicals, chemicals that oxidize and damage your proteins, cell membranes and DNA. This vitamin also promotes healthy circulation by helping you make red blood cells. An ounce of hulled sunflower seeds contains 10 milligrams of vitamin E, two-thirds of your recommended daily intake of the nutrient, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements.

Vitamin B-1
Sunflower seeds also offer health benefits due to their vitamin B-1, or thiamine, content. Thiamine activates enzymes within your cells, helping to drive chemical reactions your cells need to function. Getting enough thiamine helps you derive energy from food and produce nucleic acids, the building blocks that make up your DNA. Men need 1.2 milligrams of thiamine each day, according to the Linus Pauling Institute, and women need 1.1 milligrams. Each ounce of hulled sunflower seeds provides 0.4 milligram of this nutrient.

Benefit your skin and hair by eating sunflower seeds, a source of copper. Eating an ounce of hulled sunflower seeds provides you with 512 micrograms of copper, more than half of the 900 micrograms you need daily, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Your body uses copper to make melanin, a pigment protein that helps give your skin and hair their color. Melanin molecules absorb ultraviolet radiation from the sun, protecting you from tissue damage as a result of sun exposure. Copper also supports your metabolism to help your cells produce energy.

Getting More Sunflower Seeds
Incorporating sunflower seeds into your diet can be as simple as sprinkling an ounce of the seeds over hot or cold cereal or over your salad. Get more creative by adding sunflower seeds to tuna, chicken, egg or chickpea salad sandwiches, or sprinkle the seeds into a wrap. Alternately, soak the seeds in water overnight, then blend into pureed soups to add nutrients and texture, or purchase our sunflower seed butter, an alternative to peanut butter.

Enjoy our Toasted Onion & Garlic Dry Roasted Sunflower Seed Kernels with:

Every day – Anytime Snack Food
Greek Yogurt
Oatmeal and/or Cereal
Salad Topper
Cookies & Baked Goods


Gerbs products are best when stored in air tight containers, kept in a pantry closet away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

We strongly recommend storing it in an airtight container in a cool, dark environment like a pantry or kitchen cabinet, away from direct exposure to sunlight or excessive heat like an oven. The amount of times you open the container and let in the harmful effects of oxygen will only increase the likelihood of rancidity; thus we encourage you to not empty more than 1 pound of product at a time. Gerbs can be frozen too, but we do not recommend it, because the cell structures will change as the product thaws out!

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